Subscriptions 2025
Below you will find an overview of our subscriptions for 2025. We understand that some things may not be entirely clear. That is why we would like to invite you for a tour. During the tour, we will tell you everything about de Werkplek and together we will see which subscription suits you best. You can easily plan a tour yourself via the button below. After your tour, you are more than welcome to come and work on a trial basis and experience the pleasant atmosphere of de Werkplek.
Day Passes (1)
Day passes function as credits within your subscription, allowing you to book flexible workspaces. One day pass equals one booking, regardless of how long you stay.
Monthly and Annual Subscriptions (2)
We offer two options:
Monthly subscription: Flexible and ongoing, with a notice period of one full calendar month.
Annual subscription: Stability with extra benefits! You receive one month free, more credits, and higher discounts on credit bundles. Cancellation is possible up to one full calendar month before the end of your subscription. For early cancellations due to relocation outside Amsterdam, we will adjust the benefits received. For other early cancellations, we will adjust the benefits received and charge an additional half month.
Credits (3)
Credits are our internal currency and can be used to pay for items such as coffee, tea, meeting rooms, sandwiches, and more. There are two types:
Subscription credits: These are included with your subscription each month but are only valid for one month. Unused credits expire at the end of the month. Subscription credits are always used first before credits from (future) credit bundles are utilized.
Credit bundles: Additional credits you can purchase yourself. These do not expire and remain valid indefinitely. Depending on your subscription, you receive a discount on these bundles.
Team Credits (4)
Want to contribute to a great workplace with friendly colleagues while earning extra? Take on a Team Task and receive 10 credits per month by actively helping for an average of at least 30 minutes. Choose from teams such as social media, kitchen, or networking. Let us know what you enjoy, and feel free to take on multiple tasks to earn even more credits!
Deluxe Subscriptions (5)
With the Deluxe subscription, you don’t have to think about anything. Unlimited coffee, tea, meeting rooms, second monitors, ring lights, and headphones – it’s all included.
By choosing this subscription, even if you don’t need it every day, you’re contributing to social projects. Together, we ensure that people with limited means can also access a workplace, a community, and a network. Shop items such as soft drinks, sandwiches, and Snickers are not included, but you get a 35% discount on them. Everything operates under the Fair Use principle and is strictly personal.